

Experts from GNPower Visited Newchoice Pipe to Inspect and Evaluate


𒁏Recently, US President Trump’s visit to China becomes the headlines in China, which made China-US cooperation a hot topic.

Coincidentally, a group of guests from the United States🍷 - experts of GNPower visited Newchoice Pipe to explore the cooperation prospect yesterday

As a world-renowned power company, GNPower established a good cooperative relationship with Newchoice Pipe in the Philippine GNPD 2×668 MW power station project in 2016. Inꦛ recent days, it signed a contract with Newchoice Pipe again to purchase a batch of DN3300 and DN3000 pipelines

GNPD project construction site

🌃Yesterday, GNPower’s delegation of four experts visited the Newchoice Pipeline to verify the performance of the pipe at the commencement of project and contribute to the smooth progress of the project.

﷽Experts examined the structure of spiral HDPE pipe

♕Visited the laboratory and tested the ring rigidity of pipes

Examined the production process of parts

Explored the stability of connector

Watched welding process on-site

Learned about the quality system

𒆙Through systematic verification, experts from GNPower said that GNPower looked for excellent suppliers worldwide and this visit enabled them to have comprehensive knowledge about the performance of Newchoice products and they were impressed with Newchoice Pipe’s management system and hoped to continue cooperation.

Carrying forward the past efforts and opening up the future, Newchoice Pipe continues to forge ahead. The Company actively takes part in the “Belt and Road” initiative of China🐷 and leverages its reliable quality and excellent reputation to export products to over 10 countries and regions worldwide. Through constant cooperation with internationally-renowned companies such as GNPower, CCCC and CSCEC, it enthusiastically participates in global infrastructure construction and contributes to the sustainable development of human life and ecology

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